The following awards are given out at the end of the year banquet each season:

Achievement Award:
The Achievement Award is given annually to the NMUFSC member who has received the most points at collegiate
competitions including both collegiate national competitions. The point system is the same system used at intercollegiate
competition. A skater may only receive this award once.
2001-2002: Anna McKenzie, Angie Vandermissen
2002-2003: Katrina Feltner
2003-2004: Heidi Tikkanen
2004-2005: Lisa Buckley, Jenna Robinson
2005-2006: Erin Humphreys

Service Award:
The Service Award is given annually to the NMUFSC member who the Board of Directors determines has made
significant contributions to the operation and function of the NMUFSC throughout the year. This award may be given more
than once to any member.
2001-2002: Margot Contois
2002-2003: Jessie Blizniak
2003-2004: Jessie Blizniak
2004-2005: Ashley Bouchard
2005-2006: Ashley Bouchard

Spirit Award:
The Spirit Award is given annually to the NMUFSC member selected by the general membership according
to the following criteria: considerate and respectful of others, supportive of all skaters, shows enthusiasm for team
activities, motivates others to get involved in team activities, consistently represents the team in a positive manner, and
cheers for all fellow teammates. This award may be given more than once to any member.
2001-2002: Jessie Blizniak
2002-2003: Jessie Blizniak
2003-2004: Allison Petersen
2004-2005: Lindsay Schrader
2005-2006: Linnea Olson

Most Improved Award:
The Most Improved Award is given annyally to any member of the
NMUFSC that the general membership determines has made the greatest improvements in their skating between the beginning and
end of the season. Special attention is paid to USFSA tests passed and improvements
in general skating ability. A skater may only receive this award once.
2003-2004: Lisa Buckley
2004-2005: Morgan Miller
2005-2006: Abby Weeks

Congratulations to the NMU
Figure Skating and Synchronized Skating Teams: Recipients of the NMU 2003-2004 Outstanding Sport
Club of the Year Award!